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Wexham Court

Primary School

Preparing every child to become a successful individual in an ever evolving world

Stars of the Week

The children below have been selected by their class teacher to be the star of the week. Well done and keep up the good work! 


Name & Reason 

Nursery AM

Arish for becoming more confident, starting to join in at group time and beginning to use his voice - Keep it up!

Nursery PM

Hartaj for settling into the Nursery routine well, joining in at group time and being SO polite - Fantastic!


Harnoor for her excellent sentence writing to describe the beehive. Well done!


Kevin for growing in confidence and for joining in more in class.


Steve for making excellent learning choices and being respectful. 


IIham for staying focused in lessons and for an improved attitude towards his learning and behaviour.


Aian for his amazing work in phonics, he has already learnt over 20 sounds! Aian has also settled in quickly to his new school and class, keep it up! 


Aryana for showing excellence in phonics. She is always working really hard and is a helpful partner when reading.


Fatima for working really hard in her phonics and learning lots of new sounds.


Husnain for making good learning choices showing he is ready for lesson. Also, for becoming more confident when share his ideas to the class.


Hashim for making great progress in his handwriting and his letter formation.

South Africa

Abdul for striving for excellence in English and working hard to innovate his story.


Hasnain for trying really hard to create a bar graph in his book during maths thinking carefully about the scale and labels. Well done! 


Maryam for the hard work and dedication that she has put into improving her reading, writing and spelling!


Simranpreet for working very hard on her sentence construction and the internalising of our new story.


Emaad for your exceptional mastery of times tables! 


Randa for writing a very detailed and interesting information text. 


Zakariyya for his excellent attitude and approach across the curriculum this week. He has been making excellent choices and consistently showing that he is ready to learn. 


Noor for working hard in Maths this week and having a positive attitude towards her learning.


William for always being ready to learn and for his constant effort in answering questions in class discussions.

Sri Lanka

Omar for being a supportive and thoughtful classmate in the run up to the SATs tests.


Humza for an excellent effort towards improving his grammar and spelling.


Tamiah for going above and beyond in maths and for being extremely helpful around the classroom.


February 2020

No news stories have been added to this category yet.
Ruth Miskin
Jigsaw Flagship
The Laurel Trust
Horticultural Society
Music Mark