Mental Health Week Monday 25th February-Friday 1st March 2019
This week we held a Mental Health Week. We feel that this is such an important topic, as a community it is crucial that we all look after each other and mental health is something that is vital to our children’s happiness and quality of life. We have been focusing on mental health throughout the school year and this is working hand in hand with our new approach to PSHE, Jigsaw. In order to be a healthy and happy individual our mental, physical and spiritual health all need to be in a healthy state, and this was our main focus during mental health week.
Throughout the week there were lots of opportunities for both the children, staff and parents to really reflect on ‘What Being Healthy Really Means’, with a particular focus on how our physical, emotional and spiritual health are just as important as each other and ways in which we can connect them. The children took part in lots of different activities designed to enhance their ability to reflect and enable them to develop coping skills and strategies. All children took part in an age appropriate 'I’m a Mindfulness Superhero’ workshops. The sessions explored different breathing strategies and how to use mindfulness to regulate and reflect on feelings, thoughts and reduce worries or anxieties.
We also held parent workshops on focusing on ‘How Can Mindfulness Be Used to Enhance Children’s Wellbeing?’ During the session we explored the basics of mindfulness, how it can be beneficial to parents and the impact it can have on children, and practising mindfulness techniques.
We even held staff sessions that included smoothie making, mindfulness techniques and massages!