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Wexham Court

Primary School

Preparing every child to become a successful individual in an ever evolving world

Stars of the Week

The children below have been selected by their class teacher to be the star of the week. Well done and keep up the good work! 


Name & Reason 

Nursery AM

Leo for being excited about his learning, learning new words and being kind - Brilliant!

Nursery PM

Utkarsh for demonstrating great number knowledge and becoming more confident - Fantastic!


Raabiya for making brilliant progress in writing and engaging in phonics. Well done!


Leen for trying her best in all areas of learning. Well done!


Hoorain for making excellent progress in phonics and reading CVC words.


Sukhmani for trying her hardest to include finger spaces in her writing and improving her handwriting. Amazing effort- keep it up!


Emaya for working very hard writing her story in English and taking lots of care with her letter formation.


Kritin for trying his best with his writing. He has been punctuating his sentences carefully and using adjectives to extend them. Well done!


Mia for developing her sentences by using technical vocabulary and working hard to improve her handwriting.


Samar for being an excellent role model. You have been showing superb listening skills all week and been ready to learn in your lessons.


Tollen for striving for excellence in Maths lesson. She has been showing different times on a clock correctly and explaining her answer using key vocabulary to show her working out. Well done! 

South Africa

Umar for striving for excellence with his handwriting and trying really hard to do the right thing. 


Martin for speaking in full sentences and working so well with his partner. Well done!


Azka for always showing respect in all that she does and being ready for all aspects of school life.


Mila for her super attention and listening in all lessons.


Abdulrehman for showing a great sense of maturity and for striving for excellence with his independent write.  


Awais for producing a wonderful piece of writing during our independent application time and taking the initiative to edit and redraft it thoughtfully.


Yousef for making more effort to ensure that he is being respectful and striving for excellence in his learning.


Gursehaj for having a great attitude to learning and being positive role model to the class by striving for excellence and always being ready.


Zara for being ready to learn and respectful of others this week.

Sri Lanka

Taisir for making more positive choices during lessons and striving for excellence in his work.


Javairea for always being a helpful member of the class and for doing a wonderful job as a prefect.


Muhammad for being a great role model during our school trip - demonstrating responsibility and a positive attitude.


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