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Wexham Court

Primary School

Preparing every child to become a successful individual in an ever evolving world

Stars of the Week

The children below have been selected by their class teacher to be the star of the week. Well done and keep up the good work! 


Name & Reason 

Nursery AM

Shumaila for overcoming your fears, challenging yourself on our new climbing frame and conquering it!! Amazing effort!!

Nursery PM

Saif for making extra effort to say your name and concentrate more during carpet sessions - Fantastic - keep it up!! 


Ali for settling really well back into reception after the holidays and continuously making great learning choices. Well done!


Musa for settling well into his new class & for building positive relationships. Well done!


Layla for striving for excellence and making great learning choices.


Rocco for showing resilience when he found some learning tricky.


Khashia for working really hard across the curriculum in all her learning. 


Devan for his positive attitude towards learning. He always comes to school with a smile and has been working very hard on his writing.


Salma for showing she is ready for her lessons and having excellent gymnastic skills in P.E.


Jasneet for returning to school with a wonderful attitude and for moving on to Comprehension.


Emma for striving for excellence during PE lessons, by using different movements to carefully and safely move on the mat.  Well done for being an amazing gymnast! Great work!

South Africa

Aleena for contributing in class discussions and for having a great attitude to learning.


Eisa for trying really hard to listen carefully and contribute in class discussions.


Raja for the hard work and dedication that he has put into improving his reading. Keep it up!


Zayn for being a super listener and also reading fluently in Guided Reading lessons.


Saffron for always using such wonderful manners and for engaging well with the new story map.


Cienna for using great oracy and answering in full sentences. 


Harun for thinking deeper about his learning and asking questions to help him strive for excellence.


Fabian for striving for excellence in his maths this week and helping others. 


Zikra for coming back to school ready to learn and always being respectful to others.

Sri Lanka

Aairah for being consistently fantastic in all she does.


Anaya for working incredibly hard on her reading fluency and engaging well in the Guided Reading lessons.


Hamid for internalising and reading the story map with great oracy.


April 2021

No news stories have been added to this category yet.
Ruth Miskin
Jigsaw Flagship
The Laurel Trust
Horticultural Society
Music Mark
Operation Encompass