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Wexham Court

Primary School

Preparing every child to become a successful individual in an ever evolving world

Stars of the Week

The children below have been selected by their class teacher to be the star of the week. Well done and keep up the good work! 


Name & Reason 

Nursery AM

Simrat for settling into the Nursery routine, beginning to make friends and being kind to others - Fantastic!

Nursery PM

Alayah for settling into the Nursery routine, beginning to join in at carpet time and sharing her giggles and smile – Amazing!


 Zainab for growing in confidence in her learning and being a good friend to our new class member. Well done!


Mohammed for becoming more fluent in his reading. Well done!



Ridhaam for growing in confidence and making excellent progress in phonics.


Isla for striving for excellence with her phonics. It is really amazing to see you trying so hard. Well done and keep it up!


Huda for working really hard at her writing this week and remembering her finger spaces.


Ali for his super-oracy skills. He was able to explain our enquiry learning to the whole class and did a fantastic job during our parents' workshop. Well done!


Gurmaan for improving in his reading and always being ready to learn.


Inaaya for engaging with her talk partner to share ideas and agree on answers. Well done!


Maher for speaking in full sentences and using mathematical vocabulary to solve problems in maths. Well done!

South Africa

Ayesha for her enthusiastic contributions to class discussions and for growing in confidence. 


Nimrat for making good progress with her reading and confidently reading out aloud in class.


Shahzadi for trying her best to focus in class and contribute to class discussions. Keep it up!


Izaan for sharing his amazing innovation ideas with the class.


George for always following the school rules and giving his absolute best in lessons.


Maryam for putting in great effort on her homework project about rivers. 


Ayesha for really engaging with her reading and striving for excellence by using expression in her voice


Muhammad for settling in so well to our class and school, learning routines quickly and making sure he is striving for excellence in all he does. 


Aarez for working hard and showing fantastic improvement in swimming. He is always respectful towards other students and staff.

Sri Lanka

Yuvraj for supporting a classmate with a broken arm this week. A wonderful display of Doing the Right Thing! Well done!


Ibrahim for taking ownership of his writing and responding well to feedback by working hard to edit his work.


Lillian for settling into Year 6 and always being ready to learn.


February 2022

No news stories have been added to this category yet.
Ruth Miskin
Jigsaw Flagship
The Laurel Trust
Horticultural Society
Music Mark
Operation Encompass