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Wexham Court

Primary School

Preparing every child to become a successful individual in an ever evolving world

Health and Relationship Education

The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex education (RSE) and Health Education guidance will be statutory from September 2020, which means that it is compulsory, therefore the pupils cannot be withdrawn. At Wexham, we will teach the HRE and RSE requirement as part of our PSHE curriculum. Sex Education and Health Education will be taught through both the PSHE and Science curriculums. In designing the curriculum, we have used the statutory guidance, sought the views of parents and drawn upon our knowledge and experience of the local community. As a result, we have changed our topic order and removed some of the lessons from our original plan. Parents requested we share some of the resources relating to HRE, these are in the table below.  

Our staff will undergo training on the new HRE and SRE requirements, the Equality Act 2010 and the protected characteristics. Alongside this, they will attend training on conscious and unconscious bias, to ensure a more balanced approach to the curriculum. This will enable them to teach with confidence.    

As a school we pride ourselves on encouraging open minds, challenging prejudices and creating a safe environment for children to share knowledge and ask questions. Our staff know their children well and how to teach and respond in an age appropriate way. The Governors are aware of the new requirements and how we intend to teach them. They have endorsed the curriculum and the right to teach the new requirements.  The curriculum is ready to be delivered. 

Many thanks for your contributions.

Year Group



Nursery & Reception

We have different families and cultures and celebrate different occasions. Range of photographs emphasise that we have different families.

Year 1

Animated alien story about aliens who have different families.  Pupils learn that families have different set-ups for example, single parents, adoptive families and same sex parents.

Year 2


Bullying is sometimes about differences and is always unacceptable. Everyone’s families are different.

Year 3

Pupils learn:

  • That everyone is different

  • To challenge stereotypes

  • About the effects of name-calling

  • That the term ‘gay’ is often used derogatorily and is not acceptable

Year 4




Children discuss when it is appropriate to have a relationship?

Year 5

Children discuss name-calling. Homophobic name-calling could come up if pupils bring it up. Teachers discuss this in an age-appropriate way. 


Year 6

Year 6 will have the opportunity to draw on all the learning that has taken place from previous years.  In addition to this, they will be made aware of The Equality Act 2010, which references gender reassignment.   Despite not having explicitly taught it, in our experience, by Year 6, children are already aware of gender reassignment, therefore teachers will discuss this with them.  The teachers will express that this is a choice some people make after much consideration and support.  The teachers will explain that the children will learn more about this in secondary school. 


Ruth Miskin
Jigsaw Flagship
The Laurel Trust
Horticultural Society
Music Mark